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Terry, born in London, England, was at the very heart of the British rock scene in the late

sixties, playing drums with the progressive rock band Dry Ice. He recorded a minor hit single, “Running To The Convent,” and the self-titled album Dry Ice for B&C; Records, a subsidiary of the Island label. During this period he toured and played many major venues including the Star Club in Hamburg and the Royal Albert Hall in London. A chance meeting with the manager of one of Europe’s best known vocal groups, The Taggs, soon led to him playing on the Taggs European No. 1 hit “Saturday” released through Olga Records in 1969.
Terry then spent some time in the USA jamming with as many musicaians in as many styles of music as he could, not knowing that this would be invaluable in the coming years. On his return to England, Terry answered and ad in the British music magazine Melody Maker. The ad was placed by Ranaissance.
The band Terry was searching for would have many diverse musical styles from folk to classical. Renaissance was the answer. He has been with them during their most productive periods, releasing many albums and touring extensively. The last couple of years has seen Annie, Terry and Michael reunited for two albums and some dates in London and Japan.
During the nineties, Terry put his versatility to good use once more, playing with the Good ‘ol Boys, a band consisting of many musicians, including Nick Simper of Deep Purple fame, Pete Parks of War Horse, Ali Mckenzie of The Birds to name a few. Concerts with Denny Laine, an album with Nicky Randall an dsome recording work with Billy Idol kept Terry busy.
Terry is currently writing and recording his own album with contributions from his great friends, including the former Renaissance pianist John Tout and lyricist Betty (Thatcher) Newsinger for the forthcoming album South Of Winter.
To be continued.